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  • 1.1. The Company cares about its Users and tries to make the use of the WebSite as comfortable as possible. In order to ensure this the Company uses cookies to analyze the behavior, preferences, and interests of the User. Such an analysis helps the Company to improve the experience of interaction with the WebSite to determine the most convenient interface and navigation through the Service.
  • 1.2. According to the classification of the International Chamber of Commerce, the Company uses the following categories of cookies:

Strictly necessary cookies are needed for the user to browse the web page and use certain services, for example, to access protected pages, register, authorize, logging, and perform a search on the Website. They also store the history of the user's previous actions while transferring to the previous page in the same session.

Operational (Performance) cookies aggregate information about how the website is used. This data is stored on the User's device between sessions of the web browser. The following metrics can be examples of such data: time spent surfing the WebSite, the most frequently visited web pages, understanding which sections and services of the WebSite were most interesting to the User, how effective this or that advertising and/or marketing campaign is, etc.

All information collected with the help of operational cookies can be used for statistical and analytical purposes. Some cookie data may be provided to third parties, who obtained permission from the web resource, and solely for the aforementioned purposes.

Functional cookies are used to save settings or configurations that are stored on the user's device between sessions of the web browser. The following metrics can be examples of such data: username, account photo, information on posted comments, site language, location, information about whether the user was previously provided with any information or selected benefits, as well as other WebSite settings.

These cookies also allow users to watch videos, take part in interactive activities (quizzes, polls), and interact with social networks.

In order to improve the experience after visiting the resource, these cookies store the information provided by the User, which helps to increase the efficiency of interaction with the WebSite.

Some cookie data may be provided to third parties, who have obtained permission from the web resource, and solely for the aforementioned purposes.

Targeting cookies are used for providing content that may be of interest to the user. This data is stored on the User's device between sessions of the web browser. The following metrics can be examples of such data: tracking recommended text, graphics, audio, and video materials in order to avoid re-displaying, managing targeted advertising, evaluating the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, and information about the User's visits to other resources during transitions, as well as other WebSite settings.

The Website may share this information with other parties, including media clients, advertisers, agencies, and related business partners, so these partners and stakeholders can provide quality targeted advertising.

Third-party and analytics service cookies:

In order to ensure prompt delivery, better display, and detailed analysis of the content on the WebSite, the Company uses services that are the property of other third-party companies, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Alphabet Inc., Gemius, and others.

The above-listed companies, given as an example, may use cookies on the User's device while browsing the WebSite.

It’s worth noting that the WebSite cannot affect the work of the cookies used by these services. All the necessary information on their use can be found by visiting the appropriate resource. Google Analytics Terms of Use - https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/us/

Cookie management:

The main web browsers (listed below) are set to automatically accept cookies. In order to disable them, use the help function in your web browser. The help function can be activated via the menu or using the F1 button.

Microsoft Edge β€” https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/microsoft-edge-browsing-data-and-privacy-bb8174ba-9d73-dcf2-9b4a-c582b4e640dd

Mozilla Firefox β€” https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/privacy/websites/

Google Chrome β€” https://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/chrome/privacy/

Opera β€” https://www.opera.com/secure-private-browser

Safari for macOS β€” https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/


  • cookie settings configuration for mobile web browsers may be different;
  • it is crucial to remember that full-fledged and uninterrupted work (browsing) with the WebSite is available only in case of using cookies;
  • disabled cookies may lead to restriction of access to content and to the malfunctioning of the Website services.

To contact the Company regarding the use of cookies, one shall send an email to info.uk@elvtr.com. If the User does not enable the use of cookies or deliberately deletes all cookies from his web browser, then during the next visit to the WebSite the User will be asked to enable the use of cookies again.

Information about Users, which is obtained while using cookies, is not sold or distributed in the public domain. It is also the property of the company that owns the resource.